What is Platelet - Rich Plasma?

 “Platelet Rich Plasma” or PRP is a growth factor in your blood that can stimulate collagen synthesis, skin renewal, cell growth, and tissue regeneration. It is a naturally occurring healing process in our bodies used to heal wounds, cuts, etc.

The process of taking blood from a patient, isolating the platelet rich plasma and injecting it back into an area where the body needs to heal has been used for many years. In times past it’s been used in medical fields such as urology, ophthalmology, dentistry, neurosurgery, orthopedics and sports medicine.

Due to the success of using PRP in medicine, it has been developed into a cosmetic procedure.

All treatments are performed by our inhouse advanced aesthetic practitioner and certified phlebotomist.

What is a PRP Vampire Facial?

 Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) facial, a revolutionary innovation combining two treatment concepts for skin rejuvenation in one. The treatment has became famous after becoming popular facial treatment among celebrities.

It is a combination of the effective Platelet Rich Plasma ( PRP) and Automated Micro-needling treatments in one. PRP improves overall skin texture, decreases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and eyes, and plumps hollowing areas such as tear trough grooves, cheeks, and temples.

PRP can also help smooth both acne and surgical scars.

What is a PRP Vampire Facelift?

 PRP facelifts plump skin, fill out fine lines and wrinkles, and give an overall more radiant appearance.

It is a cosmetic treatment comprised of drawing a small amount of your own blood. Then your blood is placed it in a centrifuge to isolate the platelet-rich plasma. Afterwards its injected back into the area of your skin that needs to be repaired and rejuvenated.

The platelets contain a high amount of growth factors. This means it works to naturally heal your damaged or aged skin by activating nearby cells to reproduce and stimulate repair.

The result is increased volume and beautifully rejuvenated skin.