What are Radio Frequency Micro-Needling Treatments?

Radio Frequency Micro-needling is a revolutionary treatment that combines radiofrequency and micro needling and works on all skin types. Benefits include skin tightening, acne scarring reduction, and more youthful and radiant skin.

Unlike many other treatments, Radio Frequency Micro-needling can effectively target loose skin, acne scarring, stretch marks, fine lines, and wrinkles, providing a comprehensive solution many skin concerns.

Radio Frequency Micro-needling as an innovative advancement to existing micro needling techniques. It has the capability to reach the deepest levels of the skin and combines radiofrequency (RF) treatments with micro-punctures. It also has different settings for various areas of the body and face, with versatility of reaching different layers of the skin to tighten, remodel or rejuvenate.

How Does Radio Frequency Micro-needling Treatment Work?
During consultations, some patients may ask, “Is Radio Frequency Micro-needling the same as micro needling?”

Not exactly.

The difference between Radio Frequency Micro-needling and micro needling is that micro needling uses a medical-grade automated device with tiny needles to kickstart the process of skin renewal, whereas Radio Frequency Micro-needling treatments are more advanced and combine much deeper micro needling in combination with RF therapy for skin remodeling and neocollagenesis. The needles used in the Radio Frequency Micro-needling device are gold-plated, also remodel the subcutaneous adipose tissue. Additionally, the heat generated by the RF energy stimulates faster collagen and elastin production, which causes the skin to contract and tighten up.

What Can Radio Frequency Micro-needling Skin Treatment Treat? Is Radio Frequency Micro-needling good for acne scars? Will the procedure reduce my double chin? Can micro needling lessen the appearance of spots?

Traditional micro needling and Radio Frequency Micro-needling treatments are non-surgical aesthetic procedures that improve the skin’s appearance.

Patients looking to achieve the benefits of a facelift or skin tightening procedures without surgery can opt for micro needling (mild) or Radio Frequency Micro-needling (more advanced).

Benefits Of Radio Frequency Micro-needling Treatments
The benefits of Radio Frequency Micro-needling include improvements in the following areas:

1. Wrinkles: Wrinkles are often the result of poor collagen production, which is caused by a combination of factors such as age, genetics, and lifestyle choices. Radio Frequency Micro-needling beauty treatments help to tighten loose skin and improve collagen production, which can help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. By using Radio Frequency Micro-needling unique approach to skincare, you can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and restore youthful-looking skin.

2. Jowls: Jowls are fatty tissue that hangs from the lower part of the jawline. They can be aesthetically displeasing and may cause chin strap lines in people who have them. Jowls are also a common site for skin cancer. In people with a genetic disposition, jowls may increase in size and number over time. Radio Frequency Micro-needling treatments use radiofrequency to gently heat the face’s skin after micro-lesions have been conducted. This helps in the repair and resurfacing of the underlying tissue, thus eliminating the jowls.

3. Stretch Marks: While there is no ultimate cure for stretch marks, there are treatments available that can help to stimulate the production of new collagen and warm the dermal layers of the skin. Radio Frequency Micro-needling is a treatment that does just that. By helping to stimulate the production of new collagen and warming the dermal layers of the skin, Radio Frequency Micro-needling aids in skin firming and significantly reduces the visibility of any stretch marks you may have.

4. Acne Scars: Acne scars can be quite a frustrating and distressing sight, but there are ways to help them look better. One popular method is to use beauty treatments that target acne scarring, such as Radio Frequency Micro-needling. Radio Frequency Micro-needling is not only effective for acne scars, but as we have shown you, it can also reduce the appearance of stretch marks, jowls, wrinkles, and other skin problems. It can even help restore skin elasticity and give people a more youthful appearance.

5. Hyperpigmentation: Hyperpigmentation is a disorder of the skin characterized by patches of darker than normal skin. It can occur anywhere on the body but is most common on the face and neck. Hyperpigmentation can be caused by a number of factors, including sun exposure, hormones, genetics, and skin cancer. Treatment typically involves using therapy such as Radio Frequency Micro-needling to fade the patches and prevent them from returning.

6. Scars From Injury Or Surgery: You can expect redness or swelling after treatment for Acne Scars. Acne scars can be reduced significantly, even up to 50 percent improvement. The radiofrequency element of this treatment even aids tissue growth, reducing the appearance of scars.

7. Large Pores: With a build-up of oil and dirt on the face, pores can look enlarged, especially as we age and experience sun damage. Even with consistent facial care, you might need to seek out additional assistance. Radio Frequency Micro-needling might be a great solution for your skin in this regard.

How Long Does Radio Frequency Micro-needling Last? The effects of a Radio Frequency Micro-needling treatment typically last for 12 months to 3 years, which makes Radio Frequency Micro-needling an excellent cosmetic option.

Please note, however, that the results you get from Radio Frequency Micro-needling depend on various factors such as your age, skin condition, environment, lifestyle, and more.

Adipose Tissue: In addition to asking, “How Long Does Radio Frequency Micro-needling Last?” you might also be asking, “What Is Adipose Tissue?”

Adipose tissue is the fatty tissue in the skin. It functions as storage for energy in the form of fat in your body.

Radio Frequency Micro-needling is a less intense way of treating unwanted fat areas that you might want to be sculpted.

What Areas of The Body Does Radio Frequency Micro-needling Work on? Radio Frequency Micro-needling can be used on the chest, face, neck, arms, legs, knees, abdomen, and rear. Basically, it can be used in most areas that require attention.